
The tentative full schedule is here available in an overview (Download Schedule .pdf) and will be updated regularly. Here you can also download the IST2020 Gallery Spotlights Schedule (Download Overview Gallery .pdf)
All times are CEST (local time Austria) 

The IST 2020 program will be made up of diverse contributions, organized to stimulate debate around the conference theme and the STRN research agenda. These are our conference tracks:

  • #1Conference Track: Governance in an Era of Change. Making Sustainability Transitions Happen
  • #2 Understanding Transitions – Theoretical contributions to transition frameworks
  • #3 Power, Agency, and Politics in Transitions
  • #4 Civil Society, Culture, and Social Movements in Transitions
  • #5 Organizations and Industries in Sustainability Transitions
  • #6 Transitions in Practice and Everyday Life
  • #7 Geography of Transitions: Spaces, Scales, Places
  • #8 Ethical Aspects of Transitions: Distribution, Justice, Poverty
  • #9 Methodologies for Transitions Research